Welcome to the blog:

I take an opportunity to welcome you all to my blog. I will be discussing zoology for competitive exams be it NEET, KAS, IAS WHICH ARE CONDUCTED BY VARIOUS organisations like JKPSC AND UPSC etc. It is expected that my blog would be of the immense help for those competing at higher level as well as for those who are beginners in the field of zoology as I would be taking on the basics of zoology and will move on from simpler to complex so that the subject becomes not only easy but interesting for my students .
I have been into the business of teaching since 15 years and have got the experience of teaching at different levels viz 11th 12th to UG and PG and from JKPSC to UPSC levels.
What I hope and am sure of that my followers would definitely enjoy learning ZOOLOGY.
Dr Rahul Kait 


  1. Thats great sir, I am excited to learn various aspects of zoology and rewind my college days ........In college it was my favourate subject ..

  2. Very Gud initiative. Accept my best wishes

  3. Very Nicely explained sir...

  4. Congratulations....going great...

  5. Thank you sir.it is really very beneficial to even botany students.nicely explained topic relevant to both botany and zoology


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