
Diversity of life and Need of classification?

  Look around, what do you observe?definitely you will see non living objects like rocks, Rivers, ponds, buildings and sky etc., besides non living objects you might also notice  living organisms like, cow, dog, birds, butterflies, forests and many more organisms and what else you might notice is that each organisms is different to a lesser or greater extent i.e., the life forms are very diverse . Have you ever imagined as to what was the need of giving names to these organisms? In fact the inquisitive nature of the human beings to know about each and every organism around him, has been the reason to name them. Moreover the very  inquisitive instinct of human being to know about his surroundings has been the main reason for placing organisms in groups where the study of only a few representatives of that group could enhance the knowledge about the whole group.  some estimates about the total number of types of  living organisms on earth range between 3 to 5 mill...

Welcome to the blog:

I take an opportunity to welcome you all to my blog. I will be discussing zoology for competitive exams be it NEET, KAS, IAS WHICH ARE CONDUCTED BY VARIOUS organisations like JKPSC AND UPSC etc. It is expected that my blog would be of the immense help for those competing at higher level as well as for those who are beginners in the field of zoology as I would be taking on the basics of zoology and will move on from simpler to complex so that the subject becomes not only easy but interesting for my students . I have been into the business of teaching since 15 years and have got the experience of teaching at different levels viz 11th 12th to UG and PG and from JKPSC to UPSC levels. What I hope and am sure of that my followers would definitely enjoy learning ZOOLOGY. Regards  Dr Rahul Kait